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* Please refer to separate pages on DVLA & Electoral Register
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Applying for inclusion on the Electoral Register


Customers without a fixed address can still have a say at elections.


Please see the guidance below which we have received from the local District Council:


Completing the Electoral Register application:


 Specific guidance is given below on answering two key questions:


Q8. How would you like to receive information about your registration?  

This address can be any correspondence address where mail can be delivered.

The elector can choose to collect post from the Electoral Registration Officer (including postal vote packs)


Q9. Your address for registration.

This is the important address and will determine where the elector is registered.  It is unlikely to be the Boatmail supplied address, as electors have no residential connection to that address.

This will be the address where the electors spend most of their time and can be a boat, mooring, marina etc.   


The important thing is that there is a connection to the property other than just a mailing address.


Fuller guidance including different circumstances (mariners, ex-pats etc) is given in the link here, and full details of this and how to apply can be found here